Thursday, November 4, 2010

Importance of surrounding environment at work place

Human is a social animal. We are mostly dependant on the surrounding environment. Based on the environment, human beings undergo psychological and behavioral. Our responses highly depend on the environment we are living or working in. As a result, people have started giving utmost importance to making their surrounding environment comfortable. The comfort is not only limited to your home, but also to your work place. It stands to reason that the office environment can dramatically change the way we react to the world, and our perceptions of the world around us. In today’s world, work places have become second home and we spend a large amount of our time in the office. Our social life revolves around the people that work with us rather than our friends and relatives. Out personal life is replaced by aspects of our work life at a fast pace. As a result, the design of the office environment has become a management issue, as it can make the difference between high or low performance, productivity and profits.

To make the office an ideal world the interior of the office plays a crucial role. The way our office environment is designed, our performance affects accordingly. Except for a handful of companies, most of the offices require teamwork and healthy interaction with each other. This factor decides how quickly the work done in the quickest time, at the lowest cost, whilst maintaining the highest quality, motivation and morale. In the real world however, while we can't make things perfect, research and experience have clearly identified a number of important facts about office design that can help to create an environment that moves closer to this ideal state.

In order to achieve healthy and productive work environment, breaking down permanent barriers i.e. removing walls is important. Removing walls does not necessary mean to make the employees work in a big hall. You can still remove the barriers virtually by installing office wall partitions made up of glass. With these transparent walls, you can create a bigger physical space, or more importantly, can remove the feeling of space and not being confined. This way they can function in groups. With the help of such virtual boundaries, active communications like face to face consultation will increase. This surely helps the employees interact with each other openly.

However, there are some places where you would like to have some privacy, like conference halls and meeting rooms. Here too, you can achieve the sense of openness without compromising on privacy. For this, you can use frameless sliding glass doors. Cross functional smaller communities will begin to form, and an overall feeling of being part of a larger community will develop. You can bring people together, and have more of a chance to pull together with the help of these ‘invisible’ walls.

Defining Work Spaces with Office Dividers

The kind of work stations and work spaces one has at the office affect the kind of working environment employees and workers experience in the workplace. Many psychologists will cite that the kind of environment one has at work affects productivity and efficiency, which is why every business must invest in the right spatial management in the office. It is essential that the proper working environment be established so that everyone is motivated to work as best they can.

Versatility is Key

Office dividers are the primary choice in defining office spaces and creating work stations in any working environment. One reason why they have become an industry standard in many businesses is that it is much more versatile. Office dividers such as acoustic glass doors and wall partitions for office can have a variety of uses, depending on the type of space you want to create, such as a conference room where you can hold meetings and gatherings – which are partially soundproof, so you do not disturb the rest of the office when it is in use. Another use for them can be in executive offices or the reception area where you can meet and greet visitors and clients. The multiple uses of office dividers is undisputed, which make it a very practical choice for office spaces.

Easier to Manage and Assemble

Another reason why office dividers are the choice of many businesses is that they are much easier to manage and rearrange, owing to the ease with which they can be assembled or taken apart. One example where this feature can be useful is when you need to rearrange your work stations in the event of some reorganization or expansion – and the rearrangement causes minimal interference in the workflow, as they can be completed much faster than the other alternatives used in office spatial management.

Facilitates an Orderly Workplace

Organizing your workplace with office dividers help define each space you create, enabling people and all other members of the organization to work much more efficiently, because these defined spaces create order, as people know where to go when they need something. For example, if Employee A needs to speak to Manager B, he or she knows where to go, as everything is arranged for everyone to know who is working where.

Proper use of office dividers also allow people the adequate space for their work, depending on the nature of that work. For example, these dividers can be used to create a larger space for people who need to sketch or draw or review large volumes of documents, while other people whose work is limited to a computer need a smaller workspace. Thus, managing the spaces is much easier, and everyone has the adequate space to work in.

Choosing Dividers for Your Office

One thing to make sure of when choosing office dividers is that you much choose a reliable supplier who can give you references where you can see the quality of the dividers they sell. If your goal is to save money, especially in the long run, you need to make sure that the dividers you get are also durable and will stand up to long term use.

Bathroom Wall Partitions Used by Commercial Facilities

Bathroom privacy is sought in every public facility. It is a very important concern which many people look for in case of emergency. When people are using the restroom in public places they normally want privacy just like at their house. It’s a good thing to know that there are bathroom partitions for commercial buildings and facilities.

Types of Bathroom Partitions for Commercial Buildings

Commercial bathroom partitions come in different designs so you have a variety of selections to choose from that fit your taste and requirements. The type of restroom partition depends upon the construction of your bathroom. It is very important that the wall partitions are safe to keep the customers protected all the time aside from its privacy that goes along with it.

Below are some types of bathroom partitions that you can choose from.

A. Privacy Partitions

Removable or Mounted Type – This type of bathroom partitions can be mounted on the different areas in the bathroom.
1) Stainless steel – This gives a stronger partitioning and it has longer life span.

2) Solid phenolic core – This braced restroom stalls resist bacteria, water oil and even humidity. It is also good for shower partitions.

Others are baked enamel, solid plastic and plastic laminate.

No Site Partition – This has no gaps between the door and pilasters. This is the best option for bigger upscale areas where customers can have a more private environment.

B. Overhead Installation – This is very convenient because they do not demand specific floor to ceiling construction.
1) Solid plastic
2) Stainless steel
3) Baked enamel

C. Ceiling Hung – This bathroom screen is perfect for areas that have low ceilings which are less than eight feet in height. This type of commercial bathroom partition allows an easy maintenance. There are various colors to choose from to match the color of your restrooms. The best low cost plastic laminates that have a corrosion-resistant material are mostly used for movie theaters, retail stores and even restaurants.

D. Floor Braced Installation – This type of bathroom partition is made for areas that have high ceilings. This gives the idea of wide space to everyone who enters the bathroom.

E. Floor to Ceiling Installation – This type of wall partition for office is intended for areas that requires additional stability. The choices are the stainless steel design that has textured, satin finish or baked enamel with various colors to choose from. The perfect partition for theme parks, stadiums or any place that has high risk of vandalism are the solid plastic restroom partitions. These types of bathroom partitions are very durable.

F. Wall Mounted Installation – The best examples of wall mounted installed bathroom partitions are baked enamels and stainless steel. These will not rust and they are moisture resistant.

G. Acoustic Glass Doors Bathroom Wall Partition – This kind of bathroom wall partitions are good for the best and the high quality restaurants and hotels. It is a good type of wall partition to enhance the bathroom. It makes it more glorious and pleasing to the clients. It will also help beautify the bathroom and are good for the first class restaurants and hotels.

All of these designs and styles of bathroom wall partitions are the choices you can install for commercial facilities. Whatever style you choose, you make sure it gives advantages to your office or space in terms of beauty, safety and cost.